Agroscope Prangins
A true research centre, Agroscope is attached to the Federal Office of Agriculture, with 12 centres of expertise in Switzerland, including Pringins, which specialises in the eradication of fungi and other threats to our crops (vines, market gardens, etc.).
However, in order to combat a threat, it has to exist.
For vines, the main threat is downy mildew, which requires very high levels of humidity, so it’s not easy to generate it during periods of heatwave and/or drought, causing several teams to lose a season’s work.
- Date: Juillet 2022
- Customer: Agroscope – the Swiss Confederation’s centre of excellence for agronomic and agri-food research.
- Type: Downy mildew generation trial on a vineyard plot during a heatwave.
Explanation of the solution implemented:
Misting sprockets were installed on the support wires of the vines to mist the area in front of them (approximately 3 metres apart). Nozzles were also installed slightly above the vines to ensure that the leaves were kept wet.
A remote control system has been set up to switch the HP Fogging system on and off at the right moment for mildew to appear.
After 2 weeks of testing, it turned out that, despite the heatwave (around 37°c), the temperature had been lowered to 20°c and that the mildew had been generated thanks to the micro-climate created by our Brumisty by Climext systems and their industrial quality.
11,Chemin du Petit Clos 1615 Bossonnens
+41 21 539.15.50
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